To apply to any of our programs:
- Apply for admission to Wayne State University
- Submit an application to CLLAS
- Meet with an LAS advisor
Admission to the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS) is open to any incoming or current WSU students interested in Latino/a history and culture. Participating students can major in any of WSU's undergraduate programs and simultaneously take advantage of our resources throughout their entire time at the university. The support systems provided by CLLAS include advising, peer mentoring, help with navigating financial aid and finding scholarships, survival and success seminars, tutoring and social activities.
CBS Scholars Learning Community
Each year, the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS) enrolls up to fifty first-time WSU students to its CBS Scholars Program, a learning community for students in their first two years of college. CBS Scholars begin their college experience immediately prior to their freshman fall semester with the Summer Enrichment Program, designed to prepare them for their transition to WSU. Throughout the fall and winter semesters, students benefit from a robust range of offerings, including:
- Introductory and intermediate Latino/a Studies coursework
- Cohorted courses in English and math/QE to promote success as a community
- Frequent tracking of student progress and early alert system to match students with needed resources
- Incredible support from bilingual and bicultural faculty and advisors
- Peer mentors who have already gone through the CBS Scholars Program
- Balanced mix of culturally-relevant academic, professional and social events
- Generous scholarship each semester a student participates
College to Career Learning Community (C2C)
Established in 2009, the College to Career (C2C) Program provides junior and senior students career mentorship, community-based research (CBR), and internships designed to enhance their professional development and/or graduate school preparedness. Through service learning, internships, and CBR, C2C students have helped a number of local nonprofits and businesses to achieve programmatic and organizational goals. More than 150 C2C students have continued to professional and graduate school to study a diverse range of fields. C2C students benefit from a full-time advisor and much more:
- Advanced coursework in Latino/a Studies research, sociology, and history
- Professional mentor in student's chosen field of study
- Community internship in student's chosen field of study or related field
- Graduate school prepardness workshops
- Partnerships with resources on campus to assist with career search
- Peer mentors who have already gone through the C2C Program
- Generous scholarships each semester a student participates