LAS Curriculum

Year Course(s) Credits Term(s) Content Purpose
Summer Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) 3 Pre-college summer English, Math, and Oral Communication Preparation for WSU general education requirement in communication
Freshman LAS 1410: Academic Success Seminar 1 Fall freshman year Study skills, time management, career exploration, writing & research Successful transition to WSU
FYS 1010: First-Year Success Seminar 1 Fall freshman year Science of learning into effective, study skills Promote personal development and success
LAS 1420: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Latino/a Studies Research 3 Winter freshman year Latin American & U.S. Latino/a history, culture, & social issues Introduction to Latino/a cultural studies & research methods.
LAS-Section ENG 1010/1020 3 Fall freshman year College composition & research methods WSU general education requirements in English
LAS-Section MAT 1050, or equivalent QR course 5-7 Fall freshman year Reasoning and problem solving in a wide range of contexts WSU general education requirements in quantitative reasoning

LAS 1900 & above electives

*Also fulfill WSU Historical Studies & Foreign Culture requirement.

6 Fall & Winter sophomore year Topics in U.S. Latino/a & Latin American history, literature & culture WSU cultural diversity requirement

LAS 3610: Latino/a Urban Problems

*Also fulfills WSU Social Science requirement

3 Fall junior year Issues in economics, politics, and culture involving the multi-racial and multi-ethnic U.S. Latino/a population Development of research and critical thinking skills around topics in Latino/a Studies
LAS/SOC 3710: Learning About Your Community through Research 4 Winter junior year Blend of participatory, community-based learning opportunities, and classroom work Development of research skills & community engagement
Senior LAS Elective 3 Fall senior year Topics in U.S. Latino/a & Latin American history, literature & culture Completion of minor in Latino/a and Latin American Studies