2020 LAS 1420 Virtual Poster Session

Theme: Latinidad and Technology: Exploring Digital Borders

The Academia 2020 theme invited students, other scholars and community members to explore historic, contemporary and futuristic technologies influencing Latina/o/x communities and identities. In this age of unprecedented innovation, we are particularly interested in Latina/o/x engagement of technology for empowerment, how the state deploys its authority through technological applications in communities of color and the perpetuation of inequality within technological advances. 

Students in LAS 1420: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Latino/a Studies Research were encouraged to employ analytical frameworks premised upon intersectionality and/or other methodological approaches that shed light on the multiple forces at work, such as class, gender, race and ethnicity.

Unfortunately, the Academia 2020 was cancelled due to the global COVID-19 pandemic thus depriving our students of the opportunity to present their work live in a juried format while fielding questions from conference attendees. We are incredibly proud of their resilience and brilliance, despite a radically disrupted semester and having to finish complex work remotely. While this digital installation is not a substitute for the Academia, it reflects the collective determination of our learning community and we are honored to display it for all to see. -Alicia Diaz, LAS 1420 Instructor

"Behind the Scenes: Impact from Latino Business Owners in Southwest Detroit"
Elizabeth Amezcua-Tepehua

"Cardiovascular Diseases Among the Latinx Community: The Influence of Social Media"
Yesenia Andrade Luna

"Access Denied A Look into Media Censorship in Venezuela"
Veronica Angeles

"Media Exposure and Latin Participation in U.S. Politics"
Alexander Arrellano

"The Latinx Homeless Population and How they Suffer"
Abril Ayala-Rodriguez

"Shining Light on the Advancement of Social Change Through Latinx Music Creators"
Adam Chahine 

"Away but Juntos"
Alondra Cruz

"Latinx Growth through Networking"
Citlali Espino

"Rebuilding Puerto Rico"
Hailee Foos

"Access to Technology and its Effects on Latinx STEM Education"
Diana Garcia

"The Trio of Terror: El Cucuy, La Llorona, El Chupacabra"
Destiney Gibson

"Preparing for the Climate Changes in Puerto Rico"
Jennifer Gonzalez

"The Transborder Immigrant Tool: An Artistic Response to a Hurtful Situation"
Brayan Gutierrez

"The Dark Side of Music"
Eric Hernandez

"The Burning Effects of Humanity on the Amazon"
Jacolyn Hurd

"A Virtual and Physical Wall: Mexico-U.S. Frontier"
Emily Jaramillo

"Help with Health: Breaking Down Barriers for Latinos"
Aliyah Landers Gonzales

"The Unseen Side of Technology"
Alexa Lopez

"The Romanization of the Drug Cartel: A World of Narco-Corridos, Narco-Barbies, Glamour and Drugs"
Katherine Lucero

"Digitized Family History: Discovering the Roots of your Latinidad"
Daniela Lupercio

"Spanglish: The Power of Translation"
Fernanda Manzanares-Bobadilla 

"Has Technology Helped Revolutionize Latinx Cinema"
Itzel Mazariegos

"Artistas Hablan: Latin-x Artists and Media Platforms" 
Guadalupe Medellin

"Understanding Psychopathy: Similarities in Latin America and America"
Alalah Melendez

"Latino Students: Conquering and Contributing to all Things STEM"
Jimena Morales-Veloz

"The Venezuelan Internet Crisis"
Karla Narvaez

"Influence of Latin American Music: Past, Present, and Future"
Sahar Navarro-Evanick

"Analysis of Sustainable Development in Latin America"
Nia Nicolaides

"How Latinos are Portrayed in Video Games" 
Jose Nunez

"Education Opportunity Progression in Latinos"
Ivan Ornelas

"Artificial Intelligence: How Far is Too Far?"
Omar Peña

"Results of Poor Technology Access Latinx Grade School Students in the U.S."
Daniela Peredo

"Latinos in Desperate Need"
Yesenia Perez

"Artificial Intelligence in the Americas"
Jazmyne Potts

"Science Fiction and Race"
Erandy Quinonez

"Social Media and Protect in Latin America"
Yazmin Raya-Castillo

"Technology & the Deportation System" 
Liliana Rosas

"Latin Culture through Disney Pixar's Coco"
Jonathan Samano

"Redesigning the Visa Process"
Alejandro Sepulveda

"Love without Borders"
Paola Solano

"Big Data: The New Inter-Connected World"
Jackelyn Toral

"Medical Advancements: Technology in the Healthcare System"
Illeanna Torres

"Why are Prosthetics in Latin America Underrepresented?"
Melissa Torres

"Virtual Reality and Its effects on Psychological disorders in Latinx Communities"
Oscar Vasquez

"Artificial Intelligence and Traumatized Latino Communities" 
Austin Vianueva

"Has the Support for the Wall Increased with the Help of the Media?"
Estephanie Villarruel

"Why European Anti-Malarial Drug Advances During Colonization Matter Today"
Elliot Widd